Acronyms I

ABT – Asymmetric binary tree
AF INTER – Affine motion vector derivation inter mode
AF MERGE – Affine motion vector derivation merge mode
AFP – Adaptive frame packing
AHG – Ad-hoc group
AI – All intra (CTC)
∗ – Adaptive interpolation filter
ALF – Adaptive loop filter
ALTR – Adaptive long-term reference
AMT – Adaptive multiple core transform (also EMT, MTS)
AMVP – Advanced motion vector prediction
AMVR – Adaptive motion vector resolution
AQS – Adaptive quantization step size scaling
ARC – Adaptive resolution change (cp. RPR)
ATMVP – Alternative temporal motion vector prediction
BARC – Block adaptive resolution coding
BCBR – Block-composed background reference
BCW – Bi-prediction with CU based weighting
BDIP – Bi-directional intra prediction
BCPCM – Block differential pulse coded modulation
BDSNR – Bjøntegaard Delta PSNR
BD-rate – Bjøntegaard Delta rate
BIO – Bi-directional optical flow (BDOF)
BDOF – Bi-directional optical flow (formerly known as BIO)
BLA – Broken link access

Acronyms II
CABAC – Context adaptive binary arithmetic coding
CAVLC – Context adaptive variable length coding
CB – Coding block
CCIP – Cross-component intra prediction
CCLM – Cross-component linear model prediction
CF – Combined filter (intra prediction)
CfE – Call for evidence
CfP – Call for proposals
CIIP – Combined inter and intra prediction
CMP – Cube map projection
CNNLF – Convolution neural network loop filter
CNNSR – CNN for super-resolution
CPMV – Control point motion vector
CPR – Current picture referencing
CR-CNN – CNN for compact-resolution
CRA – Clean random access
CS – Constraint set (in CfP)
CTC – Common testing conditions
CTU – Coding tree unit
CTX – CABAC context
CU – Coding unit
CVS – Coded Video Sequence
CVSG – Coded Video Sequence Group
DCT – Discrete cosine transform
DST – Discrete sine transform

Acronyms III
DPB – Decoded picture buffer
DCT – Discrete cosine transform
DCTIF – DCT interpolation filter
DMVD – Decoder side motion vector derivation
DMVR – Decoder-side motion vector refinement
DPB – Decoded picture buffer
DRA – Dynamic range adaptation
DST – Discrete sine transform
EAC – Enhanced angular cubemap
EDSR – Enhanced deep residual network for super-resolution
EMT – Explicit multiple core transforms (also AMT)
EOTF – Electro-optical transfer function
ERP – Equirectangular projection
FRUC – Frame rate up conversion
GALF – Geometry transformation-based adaptive loop filter
GEO – Geometric partitioning
GRL – Givens rotation layer
HAC – Hybrid angular cubemap
HEVC – High efficiency video coding
HM – HEVC test model
HMVP – History based motion vector prediction
HWT – Hadamart-Walsh transform
HyGT – Hypercube-Givens transform
IBC – Intra block copy
∗ – Internal bit-depth increase

Acronyms IV
IDCT – Inverse discrete cosine transform
IDR – Instantaneous decoder refresh
IPR – Inter prediction refinement
ISP – Intra subblock partitioning
JCCR – Joint coding of chroma residuals
JCT – Joint collaborative team (of ISO and ITU)
JCT-VC – Joint collaborative team on video coding
JCT-3V – Joint collaborative team on 3D video coding extension development
JEM – Joint exploration model (JVET test model)
JTC – Joint technical committee
JVET – Joint video exploration team
KLT – Karhunen-Loève transform
KTA – Key Technical Areas (H.264 based exploration software of VCEG)
LAMVR – Locally adaptive motion vector resolution
– Low-frequency non-separable transform
LGT – Layered Givens transform
LIC – Local illumination compensation
LIP – Linear intra prediction
LM – Linear model prediction
LMCS – Luma mapping with chroma scaling
LPS – Least probably symbol
MAP – Merge assistant prediction
MBF – Multiple boundary filtering
MCP – Modified cubemap projection
MDCS – Mode-dependent coefficient scanning

Acronyms V
MDIS – Mode-dependent intra reference sample smoothing
MDNSST – Mode-dependent non-separable secondary transforms
Merge – Merge Mode (MV prediction)
MFLM – Multiple filter linear model prediction
MIP – Multi-line intra prediction
MIP – Multi-combined intra prediction
MMLM – Multi-Model Cross-component linear model prediction
MMVD – Merge with motion vector difference
MNLM – Multiple neighbor linear model
MPCR – Motion predictor candidate refinement
MPEG – Moving picture experts group
MPM – Most probable mode
MPS – Most probably symbol
MRIP – Multi-reference intra prediction
MRM – Motion refinement mode
MSB – Most Significant Bit
MSE – Mean squared error
MTS – Multiple transform selection
MTT – Multi-type tree
MV – Motion vector
MVD – Motion vector difference
NAL – Network abstraction layer
MB – Macroblock (H.264
NAL – Network abstraction layer
NALU – NAL unit

Acronyms VI
NLMLF – Non-local mean loop filter
NLSF – Non-local structure-based filter
NSF – Noise suppression filter
NSST – Non-separable secondary transforms
NUH – NAL unit header
NUT – NAL unit type
OBMC – Overlapped block motion compensation
OETF – Opto-electrical transfer function
PAU – Parallel-to-axis uniform cubemap projection format
PB – Prediction block
PDPC – Position dependent intra prediction combination for planar mode
PMMVD – Pattern matched motion vector derivation
PMVD – Pattern matched motion vector derivation
PMVR – Pattern-matched motion vector refinement
POC – Picture order count
PPS – Picture parameter set
PROF – Prediction refinement with optical flow
PSNR – Peak signal to noise ratio
PU – Prediction unit
QP – Quantization parameter
QT – Quad-tree
QTBTT – Quad-tree plus binary tree and ternary tree (also QTBTTT)
RA – Random access (CTC)
RADL – Random access decodable leading picture
RAP – Random access point

Acronyms VII
RASL – Random access skipped leading picture
RBSP – Raw byte sequence payload
RC-ALF – Reduced-complexity adaptive loop filter
RD – Rate-distortion
RDO – Rate-distortion optimization
RDOQ – Rate-distortion optimized quantization
RPL – Reference picture list
RPR – Reference picture resampling (cp. ARC)
RPS – Reference picture set
RQT – Residual quad-tree
RSP – Rotated sphere projection
RST – Reduced secondary transform
SAO – Sample adaptive offset
SATD – Sum of absolute transformed differences
SBT – Subblock transform
SDP – Signal dependent transform
SEI – Supplemental enhancement information
SODB – String of data bits
SHVC – Scalable high efficiency video coding
SRCC – Scan region-based coefficient coding
STMVP – Spatial-temporal motion vector prediction
STSA – Stepwise temporal sub-layer access
SUCO – Split unit coding order
SVD – Singular value decomposition
SVT – Spatial varying transform

Acronyms VIII
TB – Transform block
TD-RSP – Residual signs prediction in transform domain
TMM – Template matchted merge mode
TMVP – Temporal motion vector predictor
TSA – Temporal sub-layer access
TSB – Transform sub-block
TSR – Transform syntax reorder
TSRC – Transform skip residual coding
TU – Transform unit
UHD – Ultra High Definition
UMVE – Ultimate motion vector expression
UWP – Unequal weight planar prediction
VCEG – Video coding experts group
VCL – Video coding layer
VLC – Variable length code
VPDU – Virtual pipeline data units
VPS – Video parameter set
VUI – Video usability information
WCG – Wide colour gamut
WPP – Wavefront parallel processing
XGA – Extended Graphics Array 
XYZ – XYZ color space, also color format
YCbCr – Color format with luma and two chroma components
YUV – Color format with luma and two chroma components

IRAP    : Intra Random Acces Point

IDR        : Instantaneous Decoding Refresh

CRA        :Clean Random Access : Keep Buffers intact if decoded within a coded video seq

GDR      : Gradual Decoding Refresh 

RADL    : Random Access Decodable Leading Pictures

RASL    : Random Access Skipped Leading Pictures

STSA    : Stepwise Temporal Layer Access

GOP       : Group of Pictures

Scalling Window can signalled with left (oL), right (oR), top (oT)

DPB    : Decoded Picture Buffer (DPB)

CTU    : Coding Tree Unit

NAL    : Network Abstraction Layer

NUT    : NAL unit type

VCL    : Video Coding Layer

RBSP    : Raw Byte Sequence Payload

SODB    : String of Data Bits

DCI        : Decoding Capability Information

VPS        : Video Parameter Set

SPS        : Sequence Parameter Set

PPS        : Picture Parameter Set

APS        : Adaptation Parameter Set, New

CB        : Coding Block

ME        : Motion Estimation

PB        : Prediction Block

TB        : Transformation Block

SAO       : Sample Adaptive Offset

ALF        : Adaptive Loop Filter

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